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Globalizing Eurasia Grant


Grant Information

The Globalizing Eurasia Grant is multi-country summer research grant that is intended for undergraduate and graduate students who plan to conduct research in two or more countries in Russia, Central and East Europe, the Caucasus, or Central Asia or in this region and another. Projects might involve, for example, travel in Russia and China, the Caucasus and Turkey, or some other combination of countries. Recipients will be awarded up to $7000 in funding.


To be considered for the Globalizing Eurasia Grant, an applicant must be enrolled as an undergraduate or in a graduate program or professional school at Stanford and plan to continue their studies in the following academic year. 

The Globalizing Eurasia Grant does not prohibit a student from receiving another fellowship during the grant award period, but students are prohibited from receiving fellowship funds for the same travel and research expenses. For instance, the Globalizing Eurasia Grant will not pay for airfare if the other funding source covers the student's same expenses. A Globalizing Eurasia Grant will not be awarded to a student who is receiving sufficient support from another funding source.

How to Apply

To apply, complete the Stanford Off-Campus Learning Opportunities (SOLO) application, including: 

  1. Online Globalizing Eurasia Grant application. 
  2. A budget of projected research/travel costs (the budget template can be found on the SOLO application).
  3. Statement of purpose (instructions on the SOLO application).
  4. An unofficial transcript.
  5. One letter of recommendation from your Stanford faculty advisor.

Please note: Recipients are required to submit research reports upon completion of their research.

Application Deadline: February 15, 2025


Email us @ creeesinfo [at] (CREEES).