Vladislav Zubok
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Europe's Forever War

Feminist Repatriation to Soviet Armenia in 1947? A History of Communist Armenian Women in France

The Helena Brandt Visiting Scholar Program Inaugural Lecture

Russia after Two Years of War: The Move to a New Economic Model?

The War in Ukraine: Year 3

Escalations, Red Lines, Risks, and the Russo-Ukrainian War

War on the Current Global Landscape

The Death of Alexei Navalny: Causes and Consequences

A Soviet Good Neighbor Policy: The Communists in Afghanistan Before 1979

Europe’s New North? Enduring stereotypes in the Nordic and Baltic regions

Socialism as Praxis: "Second World"-"Third World" Relations and the Evolution of the Socialist Model during the Cold War

Language Shift in Time of War: The Abandonment of Russian in Ukraine

Truth Hounds: Prosecuting Atrocity Crimes in Ukraine

Holodomor Commemorative Conference - “Holodomor: 90 Years After” Part 1

Holodomor Commemorative Conference - “Holodomor: 90 Years After” Part 2

The War in Ukraine and the Baltic States

A Roundtable with the Baltic Ambassadors to the U.S.: The Baltic Region, 2023: Opportunities and Challenges

How Violence and Genocide in Ottoman Turkey Affect Our Politics Today

Russia at War: The Inside Politics of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Cosmos, Genome, Superheavies: The Afterlives of Post-Soviet Science

The Torture Camp on Paradise Street

Is Democracy Possible in Russia?

This lecture is in Russian

Does History Matter in the Russian-Ukrainian War?

How to Win in Putin’s Propaganda War

Historical Moments and Movements in Ukrainian Art and Film: From Medieval to Contemporary

Voices from Ukraine

Luka Nakhutsrishvili: "Oaths against Dams: Environmental Protests in Contemporary Georgia"

Andrew Kuchins: "Fear and Loathing in Kyrgyzstan: An American Story"

Bathsheba Demuth: "Do Whales Judge Us: Interspecies History and Ethics"

Pauline Jones: "Trust in Religious Leaders & Voluntary Compliance: Social Distancing during COVID-19 in Central Asia"

“I Say It Burns”: Poet/post-rock musician Grzegorz Kwiatkowski in Conversation with Cynthia Haven

Yevgenia Albats: "Institutional Persistence: The Role of the Political Police in the USSR and Present Day Russia"

Andrey Kurkov: "From Violence to Vaudeville: How War Has Brought Comedians to Power"

Pey-Yi Chu: "The Life of Permafrost: A History of Frozen Earth in Russian and Soviet Science"

Eliot Borenstein: The Annual Alexander Dallin Lecture - "Plots against Russia: The Uses of Conspiracy after the Soviet Collapse"

Bojana Videkanic: "Nonaligned Modernism: Socialist Postcolonial Aesthetic in Yugoslavia, 1945-1985"

Kathryn Ciancia: "On Civilization's Edge: A Polish Borderland in the Interwar World"

Francine Hirsch: "Soviet Judgment at Nuremberg: A New History of the International Military Tribunal after WWII"

Erica Marat: "Technological Solutions for Complex Problems: Emerging Electronic Surveillance Regimes in Eurasia"

Dominique Kirchner Reill: "The Fiume Crisis: Life in the Wake of the Habsburg Empire"

"The Nagorno Karabakh Crisis: Global, Regional and Domestic Perspectives"

Vladislav Zubok: "Reformed to Death: The Strange End of the USSR"

Nikita Petrov: "The Eyes and Ears of the Party: The KGB in the Soviet Political System"

Viktoriya Sereda: "Region, Nation, and Beyond"

Mykola Riabchuk: "Examined by War: New Bonds and Old Cleavages in Post-Maidan Ukrainian Society"

Lilia Shevtsova: "Russia as a Global Challenge"

Lena Jonson: "Art and Protest in Putin's Russia"

Karen Dawisha: "Is Putin’s Russia a Kleptocracy? And if so, so what?"

Zoran Amar: "Cinema on the Urban Edge"

Nina Bunjevac: "Fatherland: A Family History"

Michael McFaul: "A New Cold War? Causes and Consequences of Confrontation with Russia"

Volodymyr Dubovyk: "Ukraine: What is the Fight All About?"

"Contextualizing the Holodomor: 80th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Famine of 1932-1933"

Taras Koznarsky: "Shevchenko and His Readers"

Zelimir Zilnik: "One Woman, One Century"

Mikhail Iampolski: "Anthropology of Cultural Models: Two Ways of Appropriating History in the 1920s"

A Soviet Good Neighbor Policy: The Communists in Afghanistan Before 1979

The War in Ukraine: Year 3

The Helena Brandt Visiting Scholar Program Inaugural Lecture