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50th Anniversary Events

"As we celebrate the anniversary of CREEES, we are at a unique juncture as we also witness the resurgence of interest in our field and the region."

- Amir Weiner, Director

In October 1969, Stanford University formally designated the “Committee for Russian, East European and Communist Studies” as the Center for Russian and East European Studies, recognizing the institutional structures in the field that had emerged at Stanford over the preceding decades. In Autumn 2019, the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies celebrated its 50th anniversary with a series of events highlighting core areas of activity. 

50th Anniversary Conference

CREEES-affiliated scholars reflecting on the past, present and future of the field.

Alumni in Government and Public Service

A panel with CREEES alumni who have made an impact throughout the world through service.


Fall Film Series: Images of 1969

A film series of East European Cinema focused on the year 1969.