Internships in Estonia
Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies, University of Tartu
City: Tartu, Estonia
Internship Dates: June 24 – August 16, 2024
About the Organization: The Johan Skytte Institute of Political Studies at the University of Tartu combines top-level scholarly research with a dynamic, international learning environment at all three levels of higher education. Three possible ‘tracks’ are offered for the internship (which can also be combined, depending on the interests and competences of the intern):
1) Russia, Ukraine, and Eastern Europe track. The intern would contribute to research and applied projects as well as summer schools run by the Centre for Eurasian and Russian Studies and/or by the University of Tartu Ukraine Centre. This could include a variety of research, communication anddissemination tasks, as well as event organization and reporting.
2) E-governance and e-democracy (including internet voting) track. Main activities include assisting the ERA Chair in E-Governance and Digital Public Services (a large EU funded project, implemented by a multinational team of researchers) with a range of activities, including research on e-governance and e-democracy, outreach activities, preparation of teaching and learning tools, event organization, and preparation of funding proposals.
3) Comparative European politics track. Main activities include providing research assistance to a team of researchers focusing on elections, voters, and parties in Europe. Topics covered could include voting behavior, democratic backsliding, the rise of populism and extremism, and political polarization. Specific tasks could include finding and summarizing relevant academic literature, compiling datasets, and conducting basic statistical analysis. The intern could also be asked to contribute to preparing grant proposals focusing on these and related topics.
Number of Opening(s): 2
Museum of Occupations and Freedom VABAMU
City: Tallinn, Estonia
Internship Dates: June 24 - August 16, 2024
About the Organization: The Museum of Occupations and Freedom VABAMU is a private institution founded in 1998 whose task is to collect, process, study and present the history of the occupations of Estonia 1939–1991, the resistance movement and the return of independent statehood.
Work Description:
Working with museum’s Collections Manager to help with collections storage as well as with archiving, packing and labelling different items in museum collections. When needed, digitizing items, creating metadata for the items in the exhibition, and designing a structure for the exhibition on the Spotlight platform.
Working with the museum’s curator and head of exhibitions on organizing museum events, including event communication, setting up events and moderating discussions. Providing ideas and insight on future exhibitions, especially regarding how to present Estonian-centered topics for global audiences.
Helping to set up and support Vabamu’s annual summer school Hüppelaud, where students in the age range of 14-19 gather to come up with new ideas and build actual tech products that would help solve some real-life problems while working as a team.
Number of Opening(s): 2
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE)
City: Tallinn, Estonia
Internship Dates: June 24 - August 16, 2024
About the Organization: International and multidisciplinary cyber defence hub, established in 2008, accredited by NATO. Membership includes 37 nations from NATO and beyond. Staff size: approx. 70. Cooperation with nations, NATO, academia, and the private sector. CCDCOE rests on three main pillars: research, training, and exercises. For the research activities, the Centre will actively search for cooperation partners from academia, industry, military, government, and other research organizations. With all our activities, in our focus areas of technology, strategy, operations and law, we demonstrate our expertise in the field of cyber defense: The Tallinn Manual, the annual International Conference on Cyber Conflict, CyCon and the largest live fire technical cyber defense exercise Locked Shields.
Number of Opening(s): 2
Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech)
City: Tallinn, Estonia
Internship Dates: June 24 - August 16, 2024
About the Organization: Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is the only flagship in engineering and IT science and education in Estonia, providing higher education at all levels in engineering and technology, information technology, economics, science, and maritime. TalTech’s mission is to be a promoter of science, technology, and innovation and a leading provider of engineering and economic education in Estonia. The Tallinn University of Technology is one of the most recognized and largest universities in Estonia with more than 2,000 employees, including 1,200 teachers and research staff.
Internship Department: FinEst Centre for Smart Cities
Work Description: The intern is expected to join the continuous process of matching long- term city challenges (e.g. urbanization, climate change) with ideas on how to solve them in the urban environment via research and innovation actions that we call pilots. If successful, those pilots aim to transform European cities of becoming climate-neutral and smart by 2030.
- Assist in evaluation of cutting-edge pilot projects before they will be tested out in the urban environments – engage with experts with a goal to coordinate the evaluation process.
- Help in setting up international cross-sectoral teams of urban developers and researchers – e.g. facilitate meetings.
- Identify best practices to inspire and inform replication and scale-up in cities.
- Gather and analyze data – dependent on the skills and project needs, perform qualitative (e.g. setup interviews, analyze interview data) and/or quantitative data (statistical analyses).
Student Spotlight
Nolan Matcovich
International Relations, '20
Jonah Skytte Institute of Political Studies
"At one of the most renowned institutions for EU-Russia studies and the politics of Soviet and post-communist nations, I assisted on a research project on the evolution of Soviet and Russian national culture and identity from 1950 to 2010 and edited the script for the Institute’s online video learning platforms on EU-Russia relations. This summer was an incredible time to come to Estonia. Attending the national song and dance festivals in early July was the most unforgettable experience. This year marked the 150th anniversary of these events, which have been been essential to keeping the Estonian culture alive and well throughout long periods of occupation by foreign powers."