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Visiting Scholars


The Stanford Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies hosts a limited number of visiting scholars each year from around the world whose research focuses on the region.  While in residence, Visiting scholars have access to the rich resources at Stanford University Libraries and the Hoover Institution Library and Archives, and are invited to participate in the vibrant intellectual community of Stanford faculty, students, and researchers affiliated with CREEES. 

Visiting Scholar Spotlight

Song Ha Joo

Song Ha Joo

Zhejiang University, China

Anti-Immigration and Electoral Politics: Russia and Kazakhstan in the 2010s

"The history seminar 'From Vladimir to Putin,' taught by Professors Nancy Kollmann and Amir Weiner, was the most memorable experience I participated in. As a political scientist, I found the seminar inspirational for my future research, as learning more about the history of the region offered me meaningful food for thought. The Russian Discussion Group was also fascinating. We explored important contemporary issues in the region, and I learned from other Russian experts as well as from scholars in diverse disciplines."

Sergiu Musteaţă

Sergiu Musteaţă

Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University of Moldova

Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty and the USSR during Cold War: Soviet Moldavia in the RFE/RL Broadcast Programs

"I worked with the documents of the Russian Service of Radio Liberty, which is an amazing collection. I discovered many documents that reflect the period of the Cold War and the confrontation between the two political blocs: the dissident movement, samizdat, political, cultural, economic news, etc. These documents will help me in writing articles, publishing collections of documents and finally a monograph on how Soviet Moldova was discussed in RFE/RL broadcasts during the Cold War."

Iryna Odrekhivska

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine (Wayne Vucinich Fellow)

Translating Ukraine: Languages, Cultures and Society in Habsburg Galicia (1772-1918)

"Stanford University has been the most rewarding place to re-situate my research project, enabling me to look at it from a distance so as to see the Galician multicultural space – in fact – much closer. Magnificent courses with Jovana Knežević and Gabriella Safran that I had a chance to audit, inspiring discussions with many leading Stanford professors (for which I am sincerely grateful), access to scholarly resources in the Hoover Archives and Green Library, and multidisciplinary encounters during CREEES events all added to a new, enlarged and much more entangled vision of my book project."

Aigi  Rahi-Tamm

Aigi Rahi-Tamm

Institute of History and Archeology, University of Tartu, Estonia

Normalizing the Extraordinary Soviet Estonian Society, 1940s-60s

"At Stanford I gathered fascinating ideas on how to organize history studies, while feeling like a student again, looking for quiet corners at Green Library to work and delving into the Baltic collections at Hoover Archives. Contacts with the Estonian community enriched my understanding of the synergy of different communities in a multicultural milieu characteristic of this region. In addition, discussions at various conferences and seminars opened up new perspectives of current trends in historical research on a global scale."

Kyiv, Ukraine

Current Visiting Scholars

View profiles of current visiting scholars.

Stanford campus

Wayne S. Vucinich Fellowship

A twelve-week residential fellowship at Stanford.

Information and Inquiries

For questions related to becoming a visiting scholar.