Your Gift Matters
Support from alumni and friends helps ensure our continued leadership in the field of Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies. Gifts in support of our programs enhance genuine understanding of the histories, politics, cultures, and languages of the region. Your gift can support:
- Visiting Professorship program
- Global Studies summer internship program
- CREEES MA student fellowships
- Faculty and student research
- Visiting Scholars and practitioners
- Lecture series and conferences
Our Donors
For half a century, the Center has been fortunate to be supported by gifts from private donors. Substantial endowment funds, namely the Wayne & Sara Stys Vucinich Fund for Slavic Studies, Mara Tomashevich Karabas Fund for Serbian Language & Culture, Steve P. Rados Fund for Eastern European Studies, the Ukrainian Studies Fund and the Alexander Dallin Lecture Fund, have enabled us to flourish, particularly in the areas of public outreach, student scholarships, and research support. The Center relies on such private gifts to expand our academic and outreach activities and respond to new programming opportunities.
Make a Gift
Your contribution may take the form of an expendable gift, annual pledge, or endowment. Endowment gifts provide naming opportunities for specific programs and may be matched. Your gift is tax-deductible under applicable rules. As a unit of Stanford University, the Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies qualifies for tax-exempt status under Section 501 (c)(3).
To make a secure credit card payment, please click the button below:
You may also send a check (made payable to "Stanford University") to:
Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies
Stanford University
Encina Commons, Room 128
615 Crothers Way
Stanford, CA 94305
For further information, please contact our knezevic [at] (subject: Giving) (Associate Director, )knezevic [at] (subject: Giving) (Jovana Knežević).