The Annual Stanford-Berkeley Conference on Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
CREEES and UC Berkeley's Institute of Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies co-sponsor an annual joint conference. The first conference was held in Berkeley in 1977, and it has alternated campuses each year since. The list of conference topics is far-ranging and reflects more than three decades of advancing scholarship in the area.

Current Conference
49th Annual Stanford-Berkeley Conference on Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies:
"Borders and Belonging"
March 7, 2024
UC Berkeley
Past Conferences
2019: "From Liberalism to Neoliberalism: the New Europe at 100"
2018: "Empires Past and Present"
2017: "1917-2017: 100 Years Since the Russian Revolution"
2016: "Dislocation"
2015: "The Collapse After a Quarter Century: What Have we Learned About Communism and Democracy?"
2014: "Emancipation"
2013: "The Politics in History in the Wake of Socialism"
2012: "From Prague Spring to Arab Spring: Global & Comparative Perspectives on Protest and Revolution"
2011: "Varieties of Post-Socialism"
2010: "Memory and Media in Russia, East Europe, and Eurasia"
2009: "1989: Twenty Years Later"
2008: "Political Succession in Russia"
2007: "Ukraine: History and Society"
2006: "Glasnost' Evaluated: 1986-2006"
2005: "The Caucasus: Culture, History, Politics"
2004: "Spatial Form: Centers, Borders, and Construction of Difference in Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia"
2003: "The Power of Ideas and Ideas of Power in Eastern Europe and Eurasia"
2002: "Political Violence in Russia and Eastern Europe"
2001: "Memories, Generations and Life Histories in the Making of Post-Communism"
2000: "Law, Legality and Justice in Russia and Eastern Europe"
1999: "The New Elites in Post-Communist Societies"
1998: "Religion, Politics and Spiritual Life in Russia, the USSR and the Post-Soviet Union"
1997: "The Invention of Tradition After Communism"
1996: "Strategies of Nationhood in Multi-ethnic Settings"
1995: "Time and Money in Russian Culture""
1994: "Russia and Her Neighbors"
1993: "The Disintegration of Multinational Communist States"
1992: "The Consequences of the Collapse of the Soviet Union"
1991: "Beyond Leninism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union"
1990: "The Nationalities Question: The Future of the Soviet Union"
1989: "The Future of Socialism in Eastern Europe"
1988: "Knowledge, Power, and Truth: Scholarship and the Humanities in the Gorbachev Era"
1987: "Reforming Socialist Systems: The Chinese and Soviet Experiences"
1986: "Windows on Soviet Society: Viewing the Soviet Union through Various Disciplines"
1985: "The Soviet Union in World War II: A Retrospective Assessment"
1984: "Current Trends in Eastern Europe"
1983: "The Soviet Union in World War II: A Retrospective Assessment"
1982: "The Soviet Union and the United States: Mutual Perceptions and Influences"
1981: "1905: A Point of Departure"
1980: "Twentieth Century Russia"
1979: "The Humanities and Social Sciences in the USSR: Current Studies and Trends"
1978: "The 30th Anniversary of the Cominform Resolution: An Appraisal of the Tito-Stalin Split"
1977: "Alexander Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago: An Appraisal"