The Big Three: Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill During the Second World War

The Big Three: Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill During the Second World War
Event Sponsor
Hoover Institution
Hauck Auditorium, David & Joan Traitel Building, Hoover Institution

Established one hundred years ago by future president Herbert Hoover at his alma mater, Stanford University, the Hoover Institution marks its centennial in 2019. In recognition of this momentous occasion, a lecture series entitled A Century of Ideas for a Free Society was launched in March 2019 to showcase the rigorous scholarship and research central to the institution’s mission and values: individual, economic, and political freedom; private enterprise; and limited, effective representative government. These timeless and fundamental values are derived from one hundred years of scholarship, the lessons of history, and a fundamental understanding of the nature of war, revolution, and peace.

A Century of Ideas for a Free Society will both address a historic perspective and provide a prospective look into important public policies that impact our society.

Participants: David KennedyStephen KotkinAndrew Roberts,

Moderator: Peter M. Robinson